Coping with University Life with Covid-19 Pandemic

Hi everyone! Back here with another blog post. I know I have discussed in my earlier blog posts about the struggles of being a marketing student, however now I am about to discuss how I am able to cope with life at university during this Coronavirus pandemic outbreak.

Image result for Coronavirus

As fear and anxiety has been significantly rising for myself and I am sure for all of you reading this, I was wondering how any student is suppose to carry on with the rest of semester as the coronavirus was rapidly spreading across the globe including Northern Ireland. Our first announcement we received regarding the Covid-19 outbreak was for our entrepreneurial business venturing class where my class was E-mailed to say that our lectures would take place online due to the uncertainty of the pandemic. Shortly after this, all Ulster University students received an E-mail to disclose the closure of the university and that all classes are now to take place online.

However, my classmates and I were still unsure on how this could take place adequately and how we won't be at a disadvantage as our engagement with our lecturers was very beneficial for us and as part of our creativity in communications assignment we were meant to conduct a presentation in front of the class! My group and I stress levels were rising significantly (as you could imagine so) I sent an E-mail to my lecturers to discover how this was going to work and if we will be put at a disadvantage.

Turns out, for our presentation we now have to submit a 1000 word report summarising our part of the presentation which isn't leaving us at a disadvantage as we had already completed the PowerPoint Presentation therefore, it was just a matter of completing the 1000 word individual report. In addition, the online classes have been working so far therefore, I don't feel at any form of disadvantage yet my lecturers have been very informative and engaging on how we are able to deal with our studies and how we are able to receive the possible grade.

That's it guys! I hope my experience with my studies are working as good for me as it is for all of my classmates and even anyone reading this blog post. Be sure to check out my social media for more regular updates.

Twitter - @AaronKe24287314
Instagram - @aaron_kearney1
LinkedIn - Aaron Kearney


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