How to Develop your Professional Career During Lock Down

Hi guys! I wanted to conduct another informative blog post to help all of you reading how you are able to work on your career during the new introduced lock down regulations. Everyone one of us has felt the strong impact of the Covid-19 pandemic but this isn't a time to lose motivation and give up on your career goals.

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The Coronavirus pandemic is a stressful and worrying time for all us. It is easy to lose motivation on career aspirations due to lack of motivation. However, whilst the nation is in lock down this may be a good opportunity to dedicate some time to preparing for your professional career! Whether it's developing your personal brand or just defining your career ambitions, there are lots of things you can do to stay productive during this period. Maybe you want to learn something new? 

The importance of Personal Branding

In a business context, a brand can be defined as a set of unique attributes that come together to create an image that identifies a product and sets it apart from the competition. In a similar sense, personal branding is about identifying and showcasing your unique skills and attributes to help you stand out from the competition in the job market.
The key to successful personal branding is being able to identify your talents and communicate them effectively to the right audience, which is typically your employer or potential employer. Personal branding is highly beneficial in both a personal and professional context. It is important to ask yourself the following questions:
What talents and skills set me apart from others? - 
What are my core values?
What goal is driving my behaviour? 
Once you have the answer to these three key questions it is then very important to be able to showcase your personal brand. For example, I showcase my knowledge and skills as a marketer via my blog and through the use of other social media platform such as Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. However, when it comes to your own personal job search it is vital to be different from other candidates and these tips should help you do so:
  1. Shine Bright
Let that beaming personality shine through! We don’t just want to hire your skills, we want to hire you. We want to work with people who enjoy their work, so be one of those superstars. Use your personality as a voice for your brand.
  1. Wear your Personal Brand with Pride
Dress to impress, presenting yourself in a way that clearly communicates the message you want to send about who you are. Your choices must be done within the confines of your industry, but if given the chance, take the opportunity to show a little bit of who you are.
  1. Be Loud and Proud
You can almost be guaranteed that I will ask candidates to “Tell me about yourself”. Grab this with both hands and seize the opportunity to tell us all about YOU. Elaborate on what sets you apart from the rest and what your career goals are.
Thanks for reading guys. I hope this has helped you realise how to stay productive during Lock Down. Be sure to check out my social media accounts for regular updates.
Twitter - AaronKe24287314
Instagram - @aaron_kearney1


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